Not so entertaining
when it’s for-real
Just like you, I’ve been staring incredulously at the news
reports ever since Sandy became a superstorm and slammed into our eastern
seaboard. Living on the Texas Gulf Coast, I’ve been through my share of
hurricanes. There was Alicia in 1983, a terrifying ordeal; and most recently
Ike in 2008 that leveled at least as much real estate as Sandy. And we all know
what a complete job Katrina did on New Orleans.
Movie - "The Avengers" |
But this is New York. New Yorkers aren’t used to hurricanes.
It’s been decades since they’ve had to deal with anything worse than the
garbage collectors’ strike. And even though Hollywood utterly destroys The Big
Apple at least twice a year, it’s never been by hurricane.
Real - Lower Manhattan |
Which brings me to my topic. It’s a question that’s been
nagging at me ever since I saw The
Avengers: just how many times has
New York been hit by Hollywood?
responded with a list of movies set in NYC, beginning in 1908. I quickly lost
count of those involving total annihilation.
Movie - "Day After Tomorrow" |
Insider was a little more compact in its offering: “Check Out 15 Movies in
Which New York City Gets Destroyed” by Kirsten Acuna. Interestingly, very few are based on weather. The Day After Tomorrow (2004) scenario is spectacular flooding due to global warming. 2012 (2009) features end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it tsunamis inspired by
global warming and solar activity. Deep Impact (1998) is yet another flood
story worthy of Noah, this time caused by a meteor strike. And I suppose one must consider Knowing (2009) which is incineration by solar
flares, therefore counting as a natural disaster.
Crane collapse on 57th St. |
All the rest, as you can see, entail monsters, space aliens,
and war. Oh my.
Even the very real horror of 9/11 doesn’t match the
extensive destruction of Sandy - except in loss of life, of course. Terrorists
will always win that one. But Sandy was a superstorm, a merging of three storm
systems, the like of which has never been seen before.
So Hollywood may score oftener, but in the cosmic quiddich
match, Sandy catches the golden snitch.
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